Medical Services

Photo of Polish nurses, Tehran, 1943; source: private collection of Richard Starosecki, Kresy-Siberia Foundation

A group of Polish nurses in the Middle East – Edwarda Fijał (née Szczygieł) with her colleagues, 1942?; source: private collection of Edwarda Fijał, Kresy-Siberia Foundation

Field airport in the Middle East during the departure of the Commander-in-Chief. From the right: Brig. Gen. Prof. Dr. Bolesław Szarecki, Gen. Władysław Anders, Capt. Jerzy Klimkowski, in the back Gen. Józef Zając. Middle East, 1943; source: private collection of Prof. Zbigniew Wawer

Wojciech Narębski – a soldier of the 2nd Corps during treatment in a Scottish hospital in Rehovot, Palestine, 1942; source: private collection of prof. Wojciech Narębski, Kresy-Siberia Foundation

Nurses at the hospital in Rehovot – from the left: Mrs. Knieżarko, Edwarda, Zofia Solińska, Maria Zając, Dr. Kotowicz, 1946; source: private collection of Edwarda Fijał, Kresy-Siberia Foundation

Polish nurses in front of the hospital – group photo; source: Krystyna Mucha's private collection, Kresy-Siberia Foundation

Free time of Polish medical personnel in the Middle East – from the left: Sornowski, cadet Edward Fijał (née Szczygieł), dentist Habowski, Pahlevi, 16 August 1942; source: private collection of Edwarda Fijał, Kresy-Siberia Foundation

Wounded soldiers waiting for a nurse to provide first aid.
Monte Cassino, May 1944; source: author: Adam Chruściel, Collection of the 5th Kresowa Infantry Division of the 2nd Corps, Sikorski Institute and Museum

Description: Evacuation of wounded soldiers from the front using carts marked with a flag with the Red Cross sign, the Battle of Monte Cassino, Italy, May 1944; source: author: Adam Chruściel, Collection of the 5th Kresowa Infantry Division of the 2nd Corps, the Sikorski Institute and Museum

Paramedics at a first aid station, Battle of Monte Cassino, May 1944; source: private collection of Prof. Zbigniew Wawer

Transport of the fallen in the Battle of Monte Cassino by a patrol of stretcher medics; source: private collection of prof. Zbigniew Wawer

A wounded soldier with a helmet full of holes, covered in blood, receives first aid, fighting on the Metauro River, Apennines, Italy; source: author: Adam Chruściel, Collection of the 5th Kresowa Infantry Division of the 2nd Corps, Sikorski Institute and Museum

Field hospital of the 2nd Corps. A nurse with a sick soldier. Italian campaign; source: Sikorski Institute and Museum, London

A nurse tending to a wounded soldier; source: publication "In the Service of the Homeland - a female soldier of the 2nd Corps", Kresy-Siberia Foundation

Gen. Władysław Anders, accompanied by soldiers, leaves the medical clinic he visited. Italian campaign of the 2nd Corps; source: private collection of Prof. Zbigniew Wawer

Recent participants in the fighting on the Italian front - soldiers of the 2nd Corps during convalescence; source: private collection of prof. Zbigniew Wawer

Recreation room in the 2nd Corps military hospital; source: private collection of prof. Zbigniew Wawer