A Gulag and Holocaust Memoir of Janina Sulkowska-Gladun

Janina Sulkowska, 1934
A Gulag and Holocaust Memoir is based on Janina Sulkowska’s book Wartime Memoirs, 1939-1949, published in Warsaw, 1998, and translated by her son Chris Gladun. Incorporated into this web site edition are articles published by Janina in Canada, the USA and England, as well as interviews with her by Chris. Janina’s introduction to her memoir was awarded second prize by The Foundation of Kazimierz F. Vincenz in Switzerland, and was included in the book entitled “My Collision with the Bolsheviks in 1939.” Additional accounts used here come from the writings of Wanda Sulkowska-Mysliwiec (Janina’s sister) based on her notebooks from Siberia. Further information comes from the memoirs of family members, including two hundred letters, a number of which are featured. My mother’s memoirs are on deposit with the Polish Library in England while other items are housed in the Museum of Independence (Siberian Collection) Warsaw. Sections from A Gulag and Holocaust Memoir, as adapted by Chris, have appeared in The Toronto Star, News of Polonia, and Miedzy Nami magazine, among others.
Janina was a university student when Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland in 1939. Her hometown suffered German bombings and occupation by the USSR, even as she and her family aided refugees. “Janka” joined the underground with friends, but in 1940 she was arrested by the NKVD, tortured and shipped to the Gulag. Her entire family would be deported to Siberia, and many relatives and friends suffered and died at the hands of the Soviets and Nazis. Janina’s award-winning memoir chronicles her amazing odyssey, starting with the invasion of Poland, as a prisoner in the outposts of the Gulag, her survival in the USSR and escape, and finally exile in India and England. Through all her trials, Janka was determined to find her scattered family and friends, and to tell the story of those whose voices had been silenced. My mother died in 1997, but I continue her quest.
Page 1 – September 1939 – War / Strange Cargo / German Air Raid / US Ambassador’s Account of Raid on Krzemieniec.
Page 2 – The Red Army Invades / Greta Garbos and Jewish Collaborators / Jan Sulkowski’s Trial.
Page 3 – Our Conspiracy Begins / The Soviets Take Over / Krzemieniec Lyceum Humiliated / I Take a Solemn Pledge / As a Secret Courier / Our Conspiracy Unwinds.
Page 4 – My Father’s Arrest / Easter Elections, 1940 / My Arrest.
Page 5 – My First Days Behind Bars / “Nachalnik” Vinokur / Dubno Jail / The Question of the Secret Messages / Inner Strength.
Page 6 – A Permanent Cell & Marusia / Endless Interrogations / A Package from Home.
Page 7 – My Family is Taken Away / Russian Roulette and an “Electric Chair”.
Page 8 – Teresa’s Agony / Brave Bronek / Solitary / Memory and Hope.
Page 9 – Rare Glimpses / The Devils.
Page 10 – A New Cell / Jail Alphabet / Death Row / Dreams.
Page 11 – Interrogation…and My Confession / Stoolie and a Punishment Cell / Transport
PART TWO – The USSR and Gulag
Page 12 – Kiev Prison / Kharkov – Transit Prison No 6 / Name Day Celebrations / Starobielsk / Children Prisoners.
Page 13 – Dry-Without-Water / My Friends are Murdered / Camp No 2 / The Glory of Soviet Work.
Page 14 – The Death of Julia / My Sentence at Last / “Amnesty” / Moses’ Prophecy.
Page 15 – Punishment Camp No 6 / Work and Survival / Freedom – But not for Me! / The Polish Remnant.
Page 16 – Hunger / The Walking Dead / Forestry / Mutilation and Murder / Amazing News – Moses’ Prophecy.
Page 17 – At Last Freedom / The Hut Beyond the Village / A Call to the Polish Army.
Page 18 – A Funeral / To Gorky and Gifts from the USA / My Family is Alive! / Bukhara…and My Father! / The Polish Army / Krasnovodsk and Escape from the USSR.
PART THREE – Exile: Persia, India, England, Canada
Page 19 – Persia – From Hell to Heaven! / Olds Friends…and Typhoid Fever / Polish Orphans / Ahvaz – To India.
Page 20 – India / Bombay / The “Polish City” of Valivade-Kolhapur / A School in the Jungle / Life in Valivade.
Page 21 – To England / The Promised Land…and My Father Dies / Quo Vadis? / Friends and Lovers… / The Land of Maple Syrup.
Christopher Jacek Gladun was born in 1951 and grew up in Canada to where his family emigrated from England as displaced persons. Sadly, Chris died in Toronto in March 2003. He held a diploma in Journalism from the Niagara College and a BA in Polish Language & Literature from the University of Toronto. Chris also acted as interviewer and researcher for the documentary film “Rescued From Death in Siberia”.
This content is now maintained by the Kresy-Siberia Group, which Chris was a charter member of and which is taking his website and his research work forward.