Gallery – Borderlands under German Tyranny
German knife found by Jerzy Prociuk (1)
German knife found by Jerzy Prociuk after he was repatriated to Elblag, Poland in 1945, from Kazakhstan.
Halina Prociuk
After WWII
(Polski) Zdjęcie rodzinne najbliższej rodziny sapera Jana Gierki
(Polski) Rodzinne zdjęcie najbliższej rodziny mojego Dziadka zrobione w 1943 roku we wsi Andrzejewicze. Kolejno z lewej: 1. Stanisław Paduch - mąż Marianny, 2. Marianna Paduch (Gierka) - siostra Jana, 3. Dorota Gierka (Mitręga) - mama Jana, 4. Józef Gierka - tata Jana, 5. Stanisława Szycko (Gierka) - siostra Jana, 6. Aleksander Szycko - mąż Stanisławy.
Cezary Borowski
During WWII
Andrzejewicze, Wołkowysk, białostockie
German Work Permit side A
Issued in Warsaw in 1942
Vanessa Tomecki
During WWII
1st Polish Armoured Division Soldier in Germany
Photo taken of Czesław circa 1946 during the Allied Occupation of Germany
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Helena Chmielewska Flensburg, Germany 1945
Lenarda Szymczak's mother Helena Chmielewska in Sztyglund Farm, Flensburg, Germany 1945, after the German surrender.
Lenarda Szymczak
After WWII
Helena Chmielewska on farm in Flensburg, Germany 1943
Lenarda Szymczak's mother Helena Chmielewska (her later married name was Jarkiewicz and then Sadkowski) as a forced labourer in Flensburg, Germany 1943. Niwna was a Polish/German/Czech colony 60km from the Slucz River and 30km from Zhitomierz in the USSR as the Chmielewski family moved there after WW1 when the Polish border extended to Kiev. However the Riga Treaty of 1921 trapped them on the USSR side of the border.
Lenarda Szymczak
During WWII
Karol Mihulka/Michulka
Karol Mihulka/Michulka was enlisted to Polish Cavalry for life in army Uniform possibly in Prison after capture he was in the battle of Kaluzyn and captured 1939 and sent to Stalag 1A
Geowefa Moch
After WWII
German document
German document
Konstanty Starzewski
During WWII
Alt Erfrade, Hamburg
German document
German document
Konstanty Starzewski
During WWII
Alt Erfrade, Hamburg
German document
German document
Konstanty Starzewski
During WWII
Alt Erfrade, Hamburg
German document
German document
Konstanty Starzewski
During WWII
Alt Erfrade, Hamburg
German document
German document
Konstanty Starzewski
During WWII
Alt Erfrade, Hamburg
German document
German document
Konstanty Starzewski
During WWII
Alt Erfrade, Hamburg
Gestappo – commitment to Neuenmunster prison (reverse side)
In 1944 while working on a farm at Alt Erfrade German a squadron of hunting American planes came in low of the field where Konstanty was working. They were close that he could see the pilot's faces. Being young he was very impressed and waved. One of the pilots tipped his wings in recognition. A German guard noticed and for this Konstanty was taken to Neunmuster prison on a charge of sabotage.
Konstanty Starzewski
During WWII
Neuenmuster, Hamburg
Aribeitsbuch noting change of status
Aribeitsbuch noting change of status
Konstanty Starzewski
During WWII
Alt Erfrade, Hamburg
Emilia Wanda Majewska,pg 2
Emilia Wanda Majewska,pg 2 - Warsaw, issued 15.04.1943
Anna Mass
During WWII
Helena Marganiec
Helena Marganiec
Anna Mass
During WWII
Apprentice from the watch factory
Apprentice from the watch factory - Co-worker with Jankiel Szwarc
Anna Mass
Before WWII
Work pass of Helen Marganiec
Work pass of Helen Marganiec - from the Baska Factory in Warsaw, during the German occupation.
Anna Mass
During WWII
Work pass of Helen Morganiec, pg2
Work pass of Helen Morganiec, pg2 - Sister in law who worked at the Baska Factory in Warsaw.
Anna Mass
During WWII
Work pass of Helena Marganiec, pg3
Work pass of Helena Marganiec, pg3 - Sister-in-law, who worked at the Baska Factory in Warsaw.
Anna Mass
During WWII
Emilia Wanda Majewska
Emilia Wanda Majewska - Under German occupation in the Kresy
Anna Mass
During WWII
ID of Emilia Wanda Majewska
ID of Emilia Wanda Majewska - Warsaw, 15.04.1943
Anna Mass
During WWII
(Polski) Zdjęcie rodzinne najbliższej rodziny sapera Jana Gierki
(Polski) Rodzinne zdjęcie najbliższej rodziny mojego Dziadka zrobione w 1943 roku we wsi Andrzejewicze. Kolejno z lewej: 1. Stanisław Paduch - mąż Marianny, 2. Marianna Paduch (Gierka) - siostra Jana, 3. Dorota Gierka (Mitręga) - mama Jana, 4. Józef Gierka - tata Jana, 5. Stanisława Szycko (Gierka) - siostra Jana, 6. Aleksander Szycko - mąż Stanisławy.
Cezary Borowski
During WWII
Andrzejewicze, Wołkowysk, białostockie
German knife found by Jerzy Prociuk (2)
German knife found by Jerzy Prociuk after he was repatriated to Elblag, Poland in 1945 from Kazakhstan.
Halina Prociuk
After WWII
German knife found by Jerzy Prociuk (1)
German knife found by Jerzy Prociuk after he was repatriated to Elblag, Poland in 1945, from Kazakhstan.
Halina Prociuk
After WWII
German knife found by Jerzy Prociuk (3)
German knife found by Jerzy Prociuk after he was repatriated to Elblag, Poland in 1945, from Kazakhstan.
Halina Prociuk
After WWII
German Work Permit side A
Issued in Warsaw in 1942
Vanessa Tomecki
During WWII
German Work Permit side B
Can anybody tell me anything about this document. This coincides with the time my father (Tadeusz Tomecki) was in a German POW camp.
Vanessa Tomecki
During WWII
1st Polish Armoured Division Soldier in Germany
Photo taken of Czesław circa 1946 during the Allied Occupation of Germany
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)