Aniela (Kosakowska) Janicka - German Guns

Aniela remembers that when the Germans invaded Kresy, they gave the Ukrainians guns who then shot the local Jews into dug out graves.

Aniela (Kosakowska) Janicka - Helping Jews

Aniela describes how the Jews would come to their house at night to ask for food – helping them risked Aniela’s family being shot by the Germans.

Aniela (Kosakowska) Janicka - Ukranian Threat

Aniela talks about how the family fled to Dubno. Her mother returned to their home to fetch food & belongings but everything had been taken and a Ukrainian man threatened

Aniela (Kosakowska) Janicka - Taken by Germans

Aniela describes when the family were taken by force by the Germans for forced labour and brother Czesław disappeared forever.

Aniela (Kosakowska) Janicka - Forced Labour

Aniela describes being taken to Germany and as a 14 year old she had to do hard physical labour laying the railway tracks.

Wanda (Gorzelanczyk) Noble - Trouble with the SS

Wanda describes getting into trouble with the SS during the German occupation and being lucky enough to be released.

Bernadetta (Gorzelanczyk) Kazmierow - Polish girls during German occupation

Bernadette describes how the Polish girls had to step onto the road when passing German girls during the German occupation of Poland.

Bernadetta (Gorzelanczyk) Kazmierow - Polish man drowned by Germans

Bernadette retells how a Polish man from the town was taken by the Germans and drowned during the German occupation.

Barbara (Wojcik) Wierzbicka - Father and 5 uncles in AK

Barbara describes how her father was part of the Home Army, along with 5 of her mother’s brothers. Her 5 uncles were all shot on the same day by the

Henryka (Zalewska) Żukowska - Brother killed in Warsaw

Describing how her brother was killed in Warsaw.

Ewa (Borkowska) Mikusiński - Meets husband and learns of Uncle's death

Ewa describes how she met her husband in France, and how she learned of her uncle’s death from released POWs who were in the same camp with him.

Genowefa (Maziarz) Czerwinska - Repressions in the Kresy

Describing the consecutive repressions by the Soviets, the Nazis, then the Soviets again, as well as the Ukrainians.

Teresa (Czeszko) Lipecka - Regressions for supporting underground

Franciszka (Walukiewicz) Błażewicz - Błażewicz Ukrainians from Wehrmacht

Kazimierz Szukiel - AK cooperating with Latvians

Regina Pacyna - Soviet partizans operating in Belarus

Jan Pacyna - Jan Soviet partizans around Lida

Jan Wincza - Under German occupation

Franciszek Brzezicki - Prayer at Gross Rosen camp

Franciszek Brzezicki - German-Soviet war

Franciszek Brzezicki - Convoy to Majdanek-

Franciszek Brzezicki - Arrested by gestapo

Wanda (Piłat) Brancewicz - Jewish ghetto in Slonim

Wanda (Piłat) Brancewicz - German occupation

Witold Wróblewski - Conspiracy