Dioniza (Gradzik) Choros - Attending Ukranian Church

Dioniza describes how the school children attended services at the Ukrainian church, until the Catholic church was built and a priest arrived in the village.

Anna (Madejewska) Moszczyńska - Lviv 1939

Czesław Zychowicz - War starting in Kresy

Halina (Malasiewicz) Żywuszko - Kresy 1939

Halina (Malasiewicz) Żywuszko - Relations between Poles and Ukrainians

Irena (Świeżyńska) Kuczyńska /Fusek-Forosiewicz - Polesie before the war

Irena (Świeżyńska) Kuczyńska /Fusek-Forosiewicz - Hard life in Wolyn

Genowefa (Żutowt) Żutowt - Poles opressed by the Lithuanians

Diakon Czesław Pukacz - Beginnings on the Osada

Czeslaw describes what life was like when the Osada was first set up, and how his father had to live in the initial stages.

Władysław Niezgoda - Life with Belorussians up to the deportation

Describing how the Poles and Belorussians co-existed in that area, then the Russian invasion and the day of deportation.

Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel - Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel

Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel - Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel

Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel - Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel

Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel - Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel

Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel - Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel

Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel - Czesława (Moniak) Krygiel

Genowefa (Maziarz) Czerwinska - Wartime song

Genowefa sings a wartime song that her father used to sing.

Janina (Stobniak) Smogorzewska - Osada Krechowiecka, Wolyn

Krystyna (Kuchcicka) Tomaszewicz - School and the Ukranians

Krystyna describes the way Ukrainian was taught to boys but not to girls in grade school, and describes how the Poles and Ukrainians lived very well together.

Antoni Goleniowski - Memoir

A typed/condensed version of my Grandfather's original handwritten Memoir

Janina (Jane) Kulibaba - Transport conditions during Soviet deportation from Stanisławó

Ludwik Cytera - Written biography of Ludwik Cytera

This is the life story of Ludwik Cytera as discovered and written up by his grandson Christopher Cytera.

Felicja Polkowska - Recordings made by the Imperial War Museum London.

Available on this web linkl : https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/80016763 Object description Polish civilian teacher in Baranowicz, Poland, 9/1939-4/1940; deportation from Poland to Soviet Union, 4/1940-4/1943; inmate in Ashkhabad Prison, Turkmen Soviet Socialist