Gallery – Polish 2nd Corps
3 DSK orchestra and honor guard
Waiting for the arrival of General Sikorski
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Środkowy Wschód
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
3 DSK training in the Middle East
Generals gathered for the training exercise: gen. bryg. Stanisław Kopański, dowódca 3 Dywizji, gen. Władysław Sikorski, gen. Władysław Anders, gen. Michał Karaszewicz-Tokarzewski.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Commanders during 5 KDP training
Sitting from left: second- gen. Władysław Anders, gen. Władysław Sikorski, gen. bryg. Tadeusz Kossakowski, standing behind him, gen. bryg. Bronisław Rakowski commander of 2 Brygady Pancernej, sitting from the back is por. mar. Ponikiewski, gen. bryg. Tadeusz Klimecki, szef Sztabu Naczelnego Wodza. Gen. Zygmunt Bohusz-Szyszko was in charge of the training.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Polish Army in the Middle East
Polish Army in the Middle East - prior to the start of training of the 5 KDP. - Gen. Michał Karaszewicz-Tokarzewski, gen. Anders, gen. Sikorski.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Gen. Władysław Sikorski at the radio station
Gen. Władysław Sikorski at the radio station
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Willis MB vehicle
General Sikorski in a Willis MB vehicle
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Środkowy Wschód
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Cadet parade for General Sikorski
Cadet parade for General Sikorski
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Gen. Władysław Sikorski
Gen. Władysław Sikorski inspecting the Cadet school.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Środkowy Wschód
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Greeting Gen. Anders in Cairo
News was received from London naming General Anders at its head.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Środkowy Wschód
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Gen. Anders visiting the 3 DSK
Gen. Anders saluting the 3 DSK standard
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Gen. Anders in Persia
Gen. Anders in Persia, 3 km from Teheran (as shown on the sign) and 4371 km from Warsaw.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
3 DSK Inspection
First on the left, Brigadier General Józef Zając.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Duke of Gloucester
Duke of Gloucester (wearing glasses) visits the Independent Carpathian Rifle Brigade on their return from the front lines. Colonel Zygmunt Łapiński is also in the photo.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
gen. Harold Alexander
gen. Harold Alexander, commander of the British Army, visits the 2nd Corps during the Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Tents in the mountains, winter
Tents of the 2nd Corps in the mountains during winter - Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Soldier on guard duty
Soldier on guard duty during winter - 3 DSK - Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Soldiers on skies
Soldiers on skies during the Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Gen. Władysław Anders
Gen. Władysław Anders leaving a medical clinic - Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Kazimierz Sosnkowski
Kazimierz Sosnkowski visiting the 2nd Corps in Italy, with General Anders
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Snow clearing
Clearing snow for the army - Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
First aid patrol
Group of soldiers, with first aid patrol - Monte Cassino
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Wounded soldier
Wounded soldier held up by his colleague - Monte Cassino
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Battlefield graves of 3 DSK soldiers
Battlefield graves of 3 DSK soldiers Michał Ginaluk and Włodzimierz Kowalik, killed in action on 12.05.1944 - killed next to each other. Monte Cassino
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Battle station
Battle station near the Doctor's House - Monte Cassino
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
“Skorpion” monument
4 Armoured Regiment monument at Monte Cassino.
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Commander-in-chief of 2 Corps - Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Soldiers on the hillside
Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Gen. Anders
General Anders meeting with soldiers during the Italian Campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Generals Duch and Anders
Generals and soldiers conversing during the Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Generals Duch and Anders
General Duch (on the left) speaking with Gen, Anders - Italian campaign
prof. Zbigniew Wawer
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)