Gallery – Polish 2nd Corps
Notebook, pg 7
Notebook, pg 7
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Notebook, pg 8
Notebook, pg 8
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Notebook, pg 9
Notebook, pg 9
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Notebook, pg 10
Notebook, pg 10
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Notebook, pg 11
Notebook, pg 11
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Notebook, pg 12
Notebook, pg 12
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Notebook, pg 13
Notebook, pg 13
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Summary, pg 1
Summary, pg 1
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Summary, pg 2
Summary, pg 2
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Military Service Record, pg 1
Military Service Record, pg 1
Lukasz Stanczyk
After WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Military Service Record, pg 2
Military Service Record, pg 2
Lukasz Stanczyk
After WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Aleksander Sadowski, Józef Kot, Stanisław Kot, Józef Szostak
Aleksander Sadowski, Józef Kot, Stanisław Kot, Józef Szostak - England 1946
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Ambulance Corps
Ambulance Corps - Italy 1943
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Aleksander Sadowski
Aleksander Sadowski
Lukasz Stanczyk
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Lucjan Aksnowicz at Monte Cassino
Lucjan Aksnowicz at Monte Cassino - Posted by Krys Koselak
Ron Aksonowicz
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Illustration of 4th Skorpion Shermans
By Stanisław Gliwa, 2 Corps soldier, of Shermans 'PAZUR' and 'PIRAT' at Albenetta, Italy, Source: Public Domain.
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino military positions
Monte Cassino militalry positions - Source: httpnuke.montecassinotour.comcassinoanziomilitarymaps
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Poster: 13th Battalion Lynx kills Nazi
Poster: 13th Battalion Lynx kills Nazi
During WWII
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino, Italy, 1944
Painted by Feliks Kay-Krzewinski in 1944. Source: Imperial War Museum, UK
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino
Painted by Kay de Lautour, 2012 - see
Kay de Lautour
After WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino
Painted by Kay de Lautour - see
Kay de Lautour
After WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino
Painted by Kay de Lautour - see
Kay de Lautour
After WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino
Painted by Kay de Lautour - see
Kay de Lautour
After WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino
Painted by Kay de Lautour - see
Kay de Lautour
After WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino
Unknown Artist. Source: Public domain.
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Battle for Monte Cassino
Battle for Monte Cassino - Artist: Peter McIntyre
Peter McIntyre
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Battle for Monte Cassino
Battle for Monte Cassino. Artist: Peter McIntyre
Peter McIntyre
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Battle for Monte Cassino
Battle for Monte Cassino. Artist: Peter McIntyre
Peter McIntyre
During WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino German Panther tank
Monte Cassino German Panther tank - Artist Signature unclear. Source: Public domain.
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Monte Cassino crosses
Monte Cassino crosses - Unknown artist. Source: Public domain.
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)