Gallery – Polish refugees in Africa
Lucian Raczkowski
With his mother Stanislawa
Henry Robaszewski
During WWII
Lucian Raczkowski
With his mother Stanislawa and sister Barbara
Henry Robaszewski
During WWII
Lucian Raczkowski
With his sister Barbara
Henry Robaszewski
During WWII
Stanislawa Raczkowski
With her mother Jadwiga, her daughter Barbara, and her infant son Lucian
Henry Robaszewski
During WWII
Stanislawa Raczkowski, 1945
With her mother Jadwiga and her daughter Barbara
Henry Robaszewski
During WWII
Refugee Camps in South Rhodesia
Document about the refugee in South Rhodesia during World War II. The document also addresses the internment camps that were set up for German and Italian POW's. Source: The document was sourced by Stefan Szewczuk, from Zambian government archives.
After WWII
Abercorn group 2 (Kwietniowski)
During WWII
List of children who went to Montreal, Canada with Father Lucjan Królikowski
In 1948, when the IRO (International Refugee Organizalton) disbanded all the Polish refugee camps in Africa, everyone was sent to Tengeru camp, which was the largest of all the camps. Most families were sent to England. Some of the orphans were dispersed to other countries, which would accept them. One group under Reverend Lucjan Królikowski, was the subject of a dispute with the communist government of Poland, which wanted to repatriate them to Poland. However, this was resisted and Father Królikowski managed ot get them accepted into Canada under the auspices of the Catholic church. They went temporarily to Salerno, ltaly, for about 6 months, then to Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Stolen Childhood Lucjan Królikowski
During WWII
Karasiewicz Wedding
Karasiewicz Wedding in 1946
Krystyna Freiburger
After WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Holy Saturday
Church in Lusaka
Krystyna Freiburger
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Jaroz Wedding
She marries an Englishman
Krystyna Freiburger
After WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Living Rosary Group 8 with Father Szmania
Group Leader (Zelatorka) Janina Piotrowska, seated to the left of the priest.
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Easter Procession
(Polski) Lusaka, Africa March 16 1947 Easter Procession
Krystyna Freiburger
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Our children
Easter 1947 (left to right) Stanislawa Baranska holding Marian Chnielewski, Ania Chnielwska, Janina Baranska with her arm on Roman Chnielewski, Janina Piotrowska, and Zbigniew Piotrowski (kneeling).
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Altar Boys
Zbigniew Piotrowski (seated far right)
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Cubs with shields
Cubs at the Third of May Celebrations
Krystyna Freiburger
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Zuch Zbysiu ..Czuj Czuj Czuwaj
Zbigniew Piotrowski in his cub uniform - (seated right to left) Janina Baranska, Janina Piotrowska and name unknown.
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Sto Lat
Janina Piotrowska seated in the middle with son Zbyszek standing behind her. Rest of names unknown
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
December 8, 1945 - Confirmation of Zbigniew Piotrowski and name unknown
Krystyna Freiburger
After WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Lusaka Chapel - Jesus' Grave on Holy Saturday
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Lusaka Polish Cemetary
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Polish Consul De Rosset
Polish Consul De Rosset
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Polish Consul’s Wife
Wife of Polish Consul Maria de Rosset
Krystyna Freiburger
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Janina i Zbigniew Piotrowski
Janina Piotrowska z synem Zbigniew Stanislaw Piotrowski - Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Girls High School
Girls High School Class with Rev. Szmania
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Muzyka Girls
Marysia and Tekla Muzyka
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
Lusaka Friends
Left to Right : Janina Baranska, Stanislawa Baranska, and unknown
Krystyna Freiburger
During WWII
My little house
August 1946 - Janina (Klosowska) Piotrowska next to her house
Krystyna Freiburger
After WWII
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia
Jadwiga Dźwiniel in Tengeru, Africa
Polish refugee children in a camp in Tangeru, Tanzania, take part in choir practice in front of a dormitory. The roof was covered in banana tree leaves or elephant grass, which were chomped by termites day and night. Jadwiga Dźwiniel (front row, 9th from right, next to girl holding song sheet) eventually joined her sisters in New Zealand.
New Zealand's First Refugees Pahiatua's Polish Children Polish Children's Reunion Committee 2004 0-476-00739-9
During WWII
Edmund Moskal
Edmund Moskal (at Tengeru, Tanganyika [?])
Leon Kustra
Tengeru civilian settlement