Teresa (Czeszko) Lipecka - Life in GULag 2

Eugeniusz Cydzik - Work at Vorkuta mines

Eugeniusz Cydzik - Journey to Workuta gulag

Eugeniusz Cydzik - Soviet invasion, fights for Grodno

Jan Grodzick - Barracks in Norylsk gulag

Description of the barracks at the camp in Norylsk.

Władysław Uchnalewicz - Sentenced to death

Janina (Zelab) Kędra - Back from the exile

Halina (Szyc) Wilczyńska - Meeting with father

Regina (Jaczewska) Parkszys - Post-war deportation

Kazimierz Szukiel - Particular life of Soviet prisoner

Jan Pacyna - Arrest and exile

Józefa (Hryniewiecka) Rogacewicz - Priests repressed

Helena (Lenkiewicz) Szołomicka - Back to Kresy

Maria (Lipska) Taraszczuk - Meeting with parent

Maria (Lipska) Taraszczuk - Post-war repressions

Łucja (Czeszko) Budre - Deportation in 1946

Kazimierz Harasymowicz - Post war repressions in USSR

Jan Michałowicz - Repressions after the war

Ryszard Saper - Post war repressions

Genowefa (Żutowt) Żutowt - Arrested for being kulaks

Barbara (Wojcik) Wierzbicka - Not allowed to mention Siberia

Barbara describes how, when she grew up in post-war Poland, she could never mention that she had been deported to Siberia. School authorities would always make certain that she revised