Wall of Tribute

List: Fallen Kosciuszko Division soldiers

The comprehensive burial list, published in 1995, includes the mostly Polish soldiers of various religious and ethnic backgrounds, killed in action, died of their wounds or of disease, from the moment of the organization of the first Polish unit (1st Kosciuszko Infantry Division) in May of 1943 to the surrender of the German Army on May 8, 1945. The list also includes those who died of their wounds or while clearing minefields after the end of the war with Germany.

The list was compiled by Barbara Affek-Bujalska, Leszek Lewandowicz and Edward Pawlowski, from a broad variety of sources, in the book Ksiega Pochowanych Zolnierzy Polskich Poleglych w II Wojnie Światowej, tom IV, Zolnierze Wojska Polskiego na Wschodzie (in English, “The Book of Buried Polish Soldiers Killed in Action During WW2, volume IV, Soldiers of the Polish Army in the East”).

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