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Roman V. Skulski, Polish Conscript in Russian Army, then Teheran (2 of 4)

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						Polish and other foreign soldiers conscripted into the Russian Army. One year after the Soviets had become allies, Roman was still requesting and waiting to be released to join the Polish Army. That never happened and so he escaped and located Anders' Army in Guzar. Photograph taken in Stanica Leprozorsk, a lepers' village in the Kuban, Northern Caucasus, USSR. November 7, 1941 
Back from left: Wacek Wasowicz, Zbyszek Gerulski, Roman Skulski, Genek Rodzaj, unknown. Middle centre: Jan Przyborowski    Far right: Mike Pietrasz

Conscripted soldiers in the Russian Army

Polish and other foreign soldiers conscripted into the Russian Army. One year after the Soviets had become allies, Roman was still requesting and waiting to be released to join the Polish Army. That never happened and so he escaped and located Anders' Army in Guzar. Photograph taken in Stanica Leprozorsk, a lepers' village in the Kuban, Northern Caucasus, USSR. November 7, 1941
Back from left: Wacek Wasowicz, Zbyszek Gerulski, Roman Skulski, Genek Rodzaj, unknown. Middle centre: Jan Przyborowski Far right: Mike Pietrasz

Conscripted into the Red Army

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						Former citizens of Stryj who left Russia as members of the Polish Army and met in Teheran, October 30, 1942. The following photo lists their names.

Former citizens of Stryj (formerly eastern Poland)

Former citizens of Stryj who left Russia as members of the Polish Army and met in Teheran, October 30, 1942. The following photo lists their names.

Middle East - Teheran

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						Former citizens of Stryj (formerly eastern Poland) who left Russia as members of the Polish Army and met in Teheran, October 30, 1942. R. Skulski brought them together for this photograph.

List of names from back of previous photo

Former citizens of Stryj (formerly eastern Poland) who left Russia as members of the Polish Army and met in Teheran, October 30, 1942. R. Skulski brought them together for this photograph.

Middle East - Teheran

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						Marshal J. Pilsudski State Humanistic Lyceum in Stryj. The building was blown up by the retreating Hungarian Army in 1944.

Marshal J. Pilsudski Lyceum

Marshal J. Pilsudski State Humanistic Lyceum in Stryj. The building was blown up by the retreating Hungarian Army in 1944.

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						Certificate of Completion of Lyceum of General Knowledge conferring the right to enter University

Certificate of Completion of Lyceum

Certificate of Completion of Lyceum of General Knowledge conferring the right to enter University

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						6" map given to Roman, while in the Red Army, by the school-age daughter of a Cossack khazayka (Northern Caucasus), later used to help him begin to locate Anders' Army, July 1942

Map used for locating Anders' Army

6" map given to Roman, while in the Red Army, by the school-age daughter of a Cossack khazayka (Northern Caucasus), later used to help him begin to locate Anders' Army, July 1942

Conscripted into the Red Army

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						Roman V. Skulski, Teheran, 1942

Photo taken in Teheran, Iran

Roman V. Skulski, Teheran, 1942

Conscripted into the Red Army

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						Notice to Basil Skulski that his son, Roman, had been killed at the front in December 1944 (although Roman was in PAF fight training in Canada at the time). Basil learned, sixteen years later, in 1960, that his son was alive.

Notice of Missing in Action

Notice to Basil Skulski that his son, Roman, had been killed at the front in December 1944 (although Roman was in PAF fight training in Canada at the time). Basil learned, sixteen years later, in 1960, that his son was alive.

Conscripted into the Red Army

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						Identity card of Roman V. Skulski, student at Lwow Polytechnic National University, Oct. 1939

Student Card, Lwow Polytechnic

Identity card of Roman V. Skulski, student at Lwow Polytechnic National University, Oct. 1939

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202

						Former citizens of Stryj who left Russia as members of the Polish Army and met in Teheran, October 30, 1942. An earlier entry lists their names.

Former citizens of Stryj in USSR

Former citizens of Stryj who left Russia as members of the Polish Army and met in Teheran, October 30, 1942. An earlier entry lists their names.

Middle East - Teheran

Name ID
Roman Skulski 150202