Gallery – Lest we forget
1-sza Dywizja Pancerna odznaczona srebryn medalem honorowym miasta Bredy
Władysław's copy of the document dated 30 October 1944 stating that the Polish 1st Armoured Division has been awarded the honorary silver medal of the town of Breda and its soldiers have been granted honorary citizenship.
Barbara Ryszkowska
During WWII
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Campaign Stars, Clasps and Medals to which Władysław is entitled
Instituted in recognition of service in the war 1939-45.
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Erasmus Medal commemorating 40th Anniversary of WW2
Awarded to Władysław by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1984 during his visit to Holland
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Krzyż 1 Dywizji Pancernej – Nr Leg. 798
Document authorising Władysław to wear the 1st Polish Armoured Division Cross dated 8 August 1986
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Dyplom Odznaki Honorowej SPK
Diploma of Honorary Badge awarded to Władysław by the Polish Ex-Combatants Association on 15 August 1993
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Krzyż Czynu Bojowego Polskich Sił Zbrojnych na Zachodzie
Document confirming that Władysław was awarded the Military Action Cross of Polish Armed Forces in the West by the President of Poland Lech Wałęsa on 20 December 1994
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
Normandy Jubilee Medal
Awarded to Władysław on 21 August 1994 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Normandy
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
Ministry of Defence Veteran’s Badge
Presented to Władysław by the Under Secretary of State for Defence and Minister for Veterans in the UK
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence Letter – Page 1
15 September 1994 Document confirming Władysław's military service and theatre of operation during WW2
Barbara Ryszkowska
During WWII
United Kingdom
Ministry of Defence Letter – Page 2
15 September 1994 Document confirming Władysław's military service and theatre of operation during WW2
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Odznaka Weterana Walk o Niepodległość
Polish Veteran's Badge for taking part in the battle for independence awarded to Władysław in 1995 by the Polish Secretary of State for matters relating to ex-combatants and victims of repression
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
Dyplom Srebrnej Odznaki Honorowej SPK
Diploma of Honorary Silver Badge awarded to Władysław by the Polish Ex-Combatants Association on 15 August 2002
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Dyplom Złotej Odznaki 1 Dywizji Pancernej Nr. 239
1st Polish Armoured Division Golden Badge Diploma awarded to Władysław on 23 November 1997
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Dyplom Złotej Odznaki Honorowej SPK
Diploma of Honorary Golden Badge awarded to Władysław by the Polish Ex-Combatants Association on 15 August 2004
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Legitymacja Odznaki Pamiątkowej 11-ego Pułku Artylerii
Document authorising Władysław to wear the 11th Artillery Regiment Badge dated 16 September 1999
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Medal of Remembrance for 1945 Liberators
Awarded to Władysław by the Netherlands in January 2004 - written in English and Dutch
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Julian at Monte Cassino in 1993
Monte Cassino Monastery with son George. They are standing next to a pilar full of shrapnel.
Julian Rybarczyk
After WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Julian at Monte Cassino in 1993
The rebuilt monastery is seen in the distance, as well as the Polish cemetery where more than 1,000 Polish soldiers are buried.
Julian Rybarczyk
After WWII
Monte Cassino
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Romuald at an Arlington Cemetery commemoration
Romuald at an Arlington Cemetery commemoration
Romuald Lipinski
After WWII
United States
Washington DC
Romuald at the Polish Embassy, 17 Sept 2009
Romuald with Mrs. Alona Vos, former US Ambassador to Estonia, and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur - Romuald was the key speaker at the launch of the Kresy-Siberia Virtual Museum
Romuald Lipinski
After WWII
United States
Washington DC
Certificate for “The War Medal” 1939/45
Zaświadczenie Nr 681 stwierdzając prawo noszenia “The War Medal” 1939/45 . Document authorising Wacława to wear The War Medal 1939/45.
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Silver Badge certificate
Dyplom Srebrnej Odznaki Honorowej SPK - Diploma of Honorary Silver Badge awarded to Wacława by the Polish Ex-Combatants Association on 15 August 1976
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
SPK document
SPK Dyplom za dłlugoletnią pracę i zasługi dla Sekcji Weteranów w Bradford - Polish Ex-Combatants Association's document dated May 1984 awarding Wacława the title of Honorary Secretary in recognition for her many years of loyal work within the Veterans Section in Bradford, U.K.
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Srebrny Medal Skarbu Narodowego R.P.
Document confirming that Wacława was awarded a Silver Medal by the Polish Treasury on 13 December 1985 in recognition of her special support.
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Honorowe Członkowstwo Koła Terenowego 1-ej Dywizji Pancernej
Honorary Membership of the 1st Polish Armoured Division for the Yorkshire region dated 15 March 1992
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Certificate for “The War Medal” 1939/45
Zaświadczenie Nr 293 stwierdzając prawo noszenia “The War Medal” 1939/45 . Document dated 10 January 1947 authorising Edmund to wear The War Medal 1939/45 .
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 2nd Corps in Italy (Gen. Anders)
Awards entitlement
Document from The Under-Secretary of State for War showing Czesław’s Awards Entitlement - Instituted in recognition of service in the war 1939-45.
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Medals Entitlement Documents
Instituted in recognition of Czeslaw's service in the war 1939-45.
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Badge Certificate
1 Pułk Artylerii Motorowej – Legitymacja Nr 687 - Document authorising Czesław to wear the 1st Field Artillery Regiment Badge from 22 September 1943, issued 15 November 1946
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
United Kingdom
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)
Certificate Nr 2557
1-szej Dywizji Pancernej Legitymacja Leg Nr 2557 Krzyża Walecznych - Document authorizing Czesław to wear the Cross of Valour
Barbara Ryszkowska
After WWII
Polish 1st Corps in Europe (Gen. Maczek)