Maria (Żak) Szklarz - Evacuation with Anders Army

Roman Marchwicki - Reaching the Army

Czesława Grzybowska - Journey to Krasnowodsk

Edward Michniewicz - Poles released

Edward Michniewicz - Situation after “amnesty"

Jerzy Terajewicz - Journey to Anders Army

Jozefa (Kasznia) Kapera - Orphanage in Russia where Polish Officer found them

Jozefa explains how she and her sister ended up in a Russian orphanage after they were released from the hospital where their mother and older sister died. A Polish officer

Jozefa (Kasznia) Kapera - Russian then Polish orphanage in USSR

Jozefa describes how she and her younger sister ended up in a Russian orphanage, after their mother and sister died in hospital. A Polish Officer found them there and took

Teofila (siostra Maria Dionette) Werner - Civilians evacuated from the USSR with the Polish Army

Maria Skałka (s. Maria Lucia) - Fates of the families of soldiers of the Polish Army in USSR

Anna (Slawetska) Bortnowska - Orlenta

The Polish Army invented a formation called Orlenta in order to allow children who were too young to join Junacy a chance to also be evacuated to Persia.

Józef Królczyk - Summary

This fragment was taken from an interview conducted by Joanna Dudzic of Manchester UK. In this clip, Józef gives a summary of his life, before, during and after the war.

Stefan Waydenfeld - Jewish problems in Polish Army

Danuta (Szczerba-Likiernik vel Gąbińska) Waydenfeld - Evacuation through Caspian Sea

Stanisław Żurakowski - Good life in the Army

Stanisław Żurakowski - Evacutation and happiness

NN. Szkopiak - Evacuation

Aniela (siostra) Nowak - Conditions during evacuation

Aniela (siostra) Nowak - Evacuation

Ryszard Dembiński - Situation in Persia

Mieczysław Hampel - Sikorski vs Anders

Ryszard Liebeskind - First moments in Anders’ Army

Edmund Majewski - The road to Iraq

Czesław Zychowicz - Evacuation from USSR

Zofia (Mertens) Teliga - Surviving USSR