Jan Kirszył - The Soviets

Franciszek Brzezicki - German-Soviet war

Helena (Rogucka) Askierko - The partizans

Witold Wróblewski - Conspiracy

Witold Wróblewski - Fighting the occupier pt.2

Witold Wróblewski - Fighting the occupier

Kazimierz Harasymowicz - Soviet counterstrike

Kazimierz Harasymowicz - Partizans

Ryszard Saper - Imprisonned in Samarkanda

Franciszka (Walukiewicz) Błażewicz - Life under Soviet tyrrany

Franciszka (Walukiewicz) Błażewicz - NKVD vs Belorussians

Wladyslaw (Ps. Zbór) Kaszyc - Arrested and sent to Gulag

Describes how he was arrested by the Soviets, who were previously their allies, and was sent to the Gulag for 2.5 years.

Genowefa (Maziarz) Czerwinska - Repressions in the Kresy

Describing the consecutive repressions by the Soviets, the Nazis, then the Soviets again, as well as the Ukrainians.

Genowefa (Maziarz) Czerwinska - Nearly gave up

The situation was so bad that she nearly committed suicide

Ryszard Krzysztofiak - Berling Army

Describing how, at the tender age of 14, he was part of Berling’s Army, and what his duties were.

Bernadetta (Gorzelanczyk) Kazmierow - Soviet reoccupation and hiding in the forest

Bernadette describes the reoccupation and the night that they were hiding in a house in the forest as the Soviets fought the Germans, with Soviet patrols moving in and shooting

Bernadetta (Gorzelanczyk) Kazmierow - Soviet reoccupation and journey home

Bernadette describes their journey back to their town after the Soviet reoccupation and their encounters with some of the Soviet soldiers along the way.

Bernadetta (Gorzelanczyk) Kazmierow - The return of the father

Bernadette describes living under Soviet reoccupation and the return of her father.

Wanda (Gorzelanczyk) Noble - Soviet Reoccupation and helping POW

Wanda describes the family taking in a POW and night bombings as the Soviets moved through Poland attacking the Germans.

Wanda (Gorzelanczyk) Noble - Returning home to village

Wanda describes returning to her town, from hiding, after the Soviet/German frontline had moved through in 1944 during the reoccupation.

Wanda (Gorzelanczyk) Noble - Soviet reoccupation and held at gunpoint

Wanda describes Soviet soldiers bailing her up with a gun to question if she is Polish or German during the reoccupation.

Wanda (Gorzelanczyk) Noble - Travelling across Germany

Wanda describes travelling across Germany to the British Zone following the Soviet reoccupation and then leaving for the UK.

Wanda (Gorzelanczyk) Noble - Banning Polish during German occupation

Wanda describes the Germans banning Polish and burning books/documentation during the German occupation.