Personal Details

Name: Berisz Zysman
Maiden Name:
Date of birth: 1912
Place of birth:
Did this person die during World War ll?:
Date of death:
Place of death:
Cause of Death:
Fathers given name: Srul
Entry ID: 498942 Mothers given name:
Mothers maiden name:
Given name of spouse:
Maiden name of spouse:
Given name(s) of children:
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Personal Situation at the outbreak of WWll

Residence at the outbreak of WWll:
Kresy Inhabitant Status:
Education Level:
Occupation at the outbreak of WWll:
Military status at the outbreak of WWll:
Military Rank at the outbreak of WWll:

Deportations and Repressions

Other Information: <a href="" target="_blank">IPN Index Represjonowanych (</a>. TOM: Aresztowani na Białorusi i Ukrainie 1939-1941. LOSY: 1. Areszt (1940 – ) Ukraińska SRR, województwo/oblast Wołyńska. ŹRÓDŁA: 1. Wykaz spraw prowadzonych przez organa NKWD Zachodniej Ukrainy i Białorusi (wybór z Księgi Rejestracji Spraw Archiwalno-Śledczych NKWD ZSRR), kopia Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości RP i Ośrodek KARTA - tom, strona, pozycja (numer nadany w OK) [sygnatura ZUB- -/405/100/4]

For those who were repatriated to Poland from the Kresy or the USSR, please provide the following information

Date of return to Poland: //
Nearest large city:

For those who stayed in the Kresy area during WWII, please provide the following information

Province - as at 1939:
City / Place:
Nearest Large City:
Other Military Service:
Participation in WWII battles:
Medals received:
Other Battles:

Other Wartime Circumstances

Other Information:
Civilian Camp in the Middle East:
Civilian Camp in India:
Civilian Camp in Africa:
Please provide information if none of the preceding apply:
